
Friday 17 May 2013

Victoria Day Party Poppers

Victoria Day is right around the corner and I don't know about you, but one of the first things I associate with this long weekend is fireworks. Despite having taking a full day course in pyrotechnics safety back in college, I am definitely not one to set fireworks off myself. Last week though I saw some party poppers at the grocery store and thought they'd be good compromise. (I still plan on watching neighbours' fireworks from my window though!)

Party poppers, craft paper, metallic fringe, transparent contact paper, pencil, ruler, scissors, glue gun.


  1. Peel the labels off of the poppers. Try to keep at least one label intact. 
  2. Using a label as a guide, cut your craft paper into rectangles of the same size. Since my party poppers were purple, I went along with the royal theme in honour of Queen Victoria and used purple paper to match.
  3. For each purple rectangle, cut a slightly bigger rectangle of transparent contact paper - this way you don't have to worry about lining it up exactly right later.
  4. If you don't have gold confetti on hand, cut up gold mylar. I used some gold fringe I had leftover from another project.
  5. To prevent wrinkles later, pre-curl the purple rectangles using the popper as a guide.

  1. Peel the backing off of the contact paper and set it on your work surface sticky side up. Sprinkle your confetti over it.
  2. Place the purple rectangle onto the contact paper, smoothing the two layers together.
  3. Trim off the excess contact paper and repeat for the rest of the labels.
  4. Put a thin line of hot glue down one side of the popper and attach one edge of the label.
  5. Put another line of hot glue on remaining end of the label and wrap it around the popper, pressing to adhere.
  6. Repeat for all remaining poppers.
Poppers seem to come in lots of colours, but if you don't like the colours available you could always give them a coat of spray paint before attaching new labels. 

I don't know much at all about Queen Victoria, so a purple and gold nod is the most relevant I can get! I've been meaning to watch Young Victoria for a while, so maybe now is the time. Do you have any plans for the long weekend? 

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